Scoliosis Surgery

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the back or lumbar regions of the spine. Sometimes, it is accompanied by an increase in the normally existing hump on the back (Kyphosis) or the dimple in the waist (Lordosis). The formation of scoliosis (curvature of the spine) can be due to many different reasons. It may be congenital, idiopathic (cause unknown), infection or tumor related. A familial predisposition exists in the idiopathic type. While it is very important to take precautions against scoliosis in the early period, it is inevitable to face serious health problems if the necessary treatment is not applied.

What are the Symptoms of Scoliosis?

The most common symptom of scoliosis is lateral curvature of the spine. Besides; the asymmetry in the waist or in the back, the disparity between shoulder levels, forwarded protruding vertebra on one side, the bone bulge or prominence on one side of the back, the lopsided body or rib cage, the higher ribs position on one side than another when the person leans forward, the asymmetrical dresses and clothes not fitting properly and the disproportion of skirt in girls.

It is usually diagnosed by accident as it does not cause any complaints at the beginning. Not every scoliosis causes pain, even in very advanced degrees, pain may not be seen.

At What Age does Scoliosis Appear?

In fact, scoliosis can be seen at any age. However, depending on the age of onset, each type of scoliosis has its own characteristics.

If There are Symptoms, a Specialist Doctor Should Be Consulted About Scoliosis

If scoliosis is doubted, a spine surgeon dealing with scoliosis surgery should be consulted. After the examination, X-ray and MRI performed by the specialist doctor, the degree of curvature in the spine and whether there are other accompanying spine and spinal cord problems are determined, and the patient is scheduled in an appropriate treatment plan.

Untreated Scoliosis Can Cause Different Health Problems

Treatment for scoliosis should not be considered only as the correction of a curvature in the spine. Because the deformity in the spine, when the degree of curvature reaches a certain degree (80 to 100 degrees), also affects the shape of the ribs and rib cage and can narrow the volume of the rib cage. Severe narrowing of the thoracic cage volume in growing children may adversely affect the development of the lungs and lead to respiratory failure.

Why is Young Onset Scoliosis So Important?

Early diagnosis is important in scoliosis, which occurs in small childhood, and cases diagnosed early are also often successful. Treatment in growing children is difficult and troublesome.

If treatment is not applied in these patients, since the curvature usually worsens with the growth of the child, lung and respiratory problems, heart problems, spinal cord compression in very advanced curvatures, paralysis, serious cosmetic and psychological problems may occur over time.

Surgical Treatment Options

Surgical treatment of scoliosis is associated with many factors such as the age of the patient, the degree of curvature, concomitant diseases, and the rate of progression of the curvature. While growth-friendly surgeries are preferred for curvatures under 10 years of age, fusion surgeries are performed over the age of 10. In recent years, the stretching or anterior tethering method, which allows the movements of the entire spine without fusion, has been increasingly applied in suitable patients.

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